Lessons From Fiction: Lewis, Tolkien, and God's Plan for the Household
Christ Is Lord Conference 2025
What can Christians learn from dragons, yellow boots, and the smell of burnt marshwiggle? Do lessons for faithful living reside in these stories of the past? Are Christians living like free Narnians? Do we really believe that the great sorcerer has fallen and the true king reigns? Are we giving our children the tools to take dominion of the garden they have inherited? We were created to fight dragons. We are commanded to spread the news that Christ is King. The long winter is over. Christ is risen and spring is here. So let us start living like it! Join Dr. Joe Rigney and C.R. Wiley as they explore Tolkien, Lewis, and their value to the household on March 21-22 and you may find yourself doing a little skipping as you strike up a song on your way home.
Any child requiring their own seat must purchase an additional ticket.
Each ticket price includes two complimentary books!