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About Christ Is Lord Academy

Name: Christ is Lord Academy (CILA)


Type: Christian, Collaborative and Classical


Motto: All of Christ, For All of Life, For All of Earlham and All the Earth


Purpose: We exist to assist families in their God-ordained responsibility to teach their children about God, His world, and the truth that Jesus is Lord over all. We also exist to provide a godly in-classroom alternative to public school education. 


Statement of Faith: Christ is Lord Academy embraces the Crossroad Church Elder Confession as its own (this can be accessed here). All CILA board members, officers, and staff must positively affirm this confession (certain exceptions are permitted), and all that is taught at CILA will be consistent with this confession. Parents wishing to enroll their students at CILA will affirm their commitment to teach consistent with this confession unless certain article exemptions/exceptions are requested and granted by the board.


Board of Education: Grant Brown (President), Madelene Richert (Secretary), Isaac Johnston (Treasurer)


Headmaster: Grant Brown


Schedule: Christ is Lord Academy is a collaborative school in that students will attend in-classroom instruction two days a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). The remaining days will be devoted to in-home instruction. A school calendar can be accessed here


  • Kindergarten: 9:00 AM to 12 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays at CILA and Wednesdays and Fridays at home from September 2024 through May 2025.




  • Kindergarten - $1250/year tuition + estimated $630 for books (several books/materials purchased for use in kindergarten will be reused in 1st grade)


Discounted Tuition:


  • Multiple students from same immediate family: 30% Tuition Reduction

  • Part-Time Volunteer: 25% - 50% Tuition Reduction

  • Full-Time Volunteer or Staff: 100% Tuition Reduction

Admission: Both the prospective student and their parents/guardians must submit separate applications for admission consideration to Christ is Lord Academy (parents may fill out their student’s application). An application and subsequent interview does not guarantee admission. Christ is Lord Academy reserves full rights to deny admission for a number of factors, however, CILA will never deny admission on the basis of ethnicity, social status, or biological sex.

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